As you know, Mrs. Mule is a nurse.
I frequently meet her for lunch, so I get the opportunity to check out the footware on the other nurses and visitors.
The visitors are a mixed bag. If you see champs at all, they are on the older women.
A surprising number of the nurses wear Keds. I'd say about 40% of them wear "nursing shoes" and another 40% wear "running shoes" but about 20% wear keds, albeit the "beefed up" kind such as RTW or Stretch and that ilk. I saw one physical theapist who wore champs and a female orderly who wore mules.
I won't complain too much. As long as women buy Keds of any type, the company will stay in business. They will always make champions for the small loyalist base who wears them. And if champs ever come back in style, the company is there and ready to roll.
I frequently meet her for lunch, so I get the opportunity to check out the footware on the other nurses and visitors.
The visitors are a mixed bag. If you see champs at all, they are on the older women.
A surprising number of the nurses wear Keds. I'd say about 40% of them wear "nursing shoes" and another 40% wear "running shoes" but about 20% wear keds, albeit the "beefed up" kind such as RTW or Stretch and that ilk. I saw one physical theapist who wore champs and a female orderly who wore mules.
I won't complain too much. As long as women buy Keds of any type, the company will stay in business. They will always make champions for the small loyalist base who wears them. And if champs ever come back in style, the company is there and ready to roll.