Dec 17, 2011 Replies: 2 In this movie, Amber Heard has a couple of scenes wearing keds. In one she is lying on a picnic table wearing a pair of very abused looking white ones. In another she is sitting on a rock in a stream wearing blue laceless keds. Click to expand...
In this movie, Amber Heard has a couple of scenes wearing keds. In one she is lying on a picnic table wearing a pair of very abused looking white ones. In another she is sitting on a rock in a stream wearing blue laceless keds.
Y yournamehere Bronze Member Joined Jan 8, 2005 Messages 212 Reaction score 489 Dec 19, 2011 #2 Re: The River Why You can see a still from the picnic table scene at I'd link to it but links are not allowed.
Re: The River Why You can see a still from the picnic table scene at I'd link to it but links are not allowed.
F felna Bronze Member Joined Sep 16, 2009 Messages 345 Reaction score 1,938 Dec 19, 2011 #3 Re: The River Why Here's the pic grabbed: